The International Software Architecture Qualification Board is an international board, who brings together professional software architecture experts from industry, consulting, training, academia and other organisations.

The iSAQB program (Certified Professional for Software Architecture - CPSA) provides software architects with a standardized scheme for certification and training with the following objectives:

  • Creating and maintaining consistent syllabi and curricula for software architects, 
  • Defining certification examinations on the basis of CPSA curricula,
  • Ensuring the professional quality of teaching and initial and further training for software architects.

The iSAQB defines training and examination rules and regulations but does not carry out any training or examinations itself, which it assigns to external (licensed) training and examination organisations. It also determines as well as monitors the relevant processes required.


Certification Structure

  • The Foundation Level provides the basics: once you are certified at this level, you will be able to demonstrate that you are capable of creating and documenting a system’s architecture independently as well as of assuring and assessing its quality and that you are familiar with the tools required for this.
  • Certification at Advanced Level with a modular structure, is aimed at software architects with advanced knowledge and will allow you to demonstrate that your skills are not only of a technological but also a methodical and communicative nature (ask for availability).
  • The Expert Level is currently still being developed.